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Heyen Anti-Mould Anti-Condensation Paint Control Pack

Anti Mould Paint Control Pack.
HEYEN Anti-Mould Paint Control Pack containes a concentrated fungicidal cleaner surface biocide and 5 Litres of either White/Magnolia Emulsion Paint.
Item Number: sasdfdfg
Weight: 5.3kg
£59.51   In Stock
Recommended Use:  
Pre-wash to cleanse surfaces with Heyen Anti Mould Concentrated Wash using a sponge or scrubbing brush or cloth and allow to dry. Apply 2 coats of Heyen Antimould Emulsion with roller or brush allowing sufficient drying time between coats. 
Containes 250 MLS Anti Mould Concentrated Wash and 5 Litres on Anti Mould Emulsion Paint.
For more information and technical assistance, please call 07801 927519
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