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Heyen UK Ltd
The highest quality German
damp-proofing products
available in the UK
Phone & Fax: 0114 268 0063
Mobile: 07801 927519

Heyen Renovating Structural Water Proofing & Damp Proofing Plaster
Heyen Renovating-Plaster is a cement based lightweight plaster. It is a similar make up to a 6:1:1 sand:lime:cement mix.
Item Number: 12345
Weight: 25kg
£20.20 In Stock
It contains both waterproofing and anti-fungal properties and is especially recommended for use after damp-proofing and cementitious tanking such as on cold external walls or after tanking basements. This product has excellent thermal characteristics, it has a U value much lower than sand and cement renders or gypsum based plasters which can result in excellent cost savings in heating costs and a reduction in condensation.
Hack off old contaminated plaster and rake out the joints and in particular any loose mortar. Wire or stiff brush the substrate to remove all fines, and as much dust as possible. All mould, salt, oils or foreign substances must be removed prior to plastering. Timber noggins, cracks or poor bricks should be isolated with EML (expanding metal lath). High suction substrates such as autoclave aerated concrete blocks can be coated with Heyen Bonding Agent to mitigate suction. Low suction backgrounds such as concrete lintels, engineering bricks, dense stone masonry may be coated with Heyen Modified Bonding Coat to enhance the bond.
Add Heyen Renovating Plaster to clean, uncontaminated water and mix until plaster consistency is achieved. Let it stand for two minutes to allow lime to fully hydrate, then mix again before applying to form a light weight, salt resistant backing plaster.
Heyen Renovating Plaster should be applied 10-12mm thick and lightly scratched to provide a key for the finishing tight coat. Greater thickness may be achieved by dubbing out and allowing to dry for at least 24 hours before application of subsequent coat.
For more information and technical assistance, please call 07801 927519
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