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Heyen UK Ltd
The highest quality German
damp-proofing products
available in the UK
Phone & Fax: 0114 268 0063
Mobile: 07801 927519

Heyen Concrete Waterproofing Plus Proof
Heyen Plus Proof is a liquid admixture that reduces the permeability and drying shrinkage of concrete for integrally waterproof concrete structures.
Item Number: 984237
Weight: 10kg
£70.80 In Stock
A unique chemical treatment for waterproofing and protection which is added to concrete at the time of batching. Heyen Plus Proof works by blocking pores and is super plasticizing and water reducing to provide watertight concrete.
Concrete containing Heyen Plus Proof has reduced permeability when compared to equivalent plain concrete.
Concrete containing Heyen Plus Proof is more durable than equivalent plain concrete.
Reinforcement Protection:
Concrete containing Heyen Plus Proof has enhanced protection to reinforement corrosion when compared to equivalent plain concrete.
Mechanical Properties:
The mechanical properties of concrete containing Heyen Plus Proof are not adversely affected by incorporating Heyen Plus Proof.
For more information and technical assistance, please call 07801 927519
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